" The Euromark;
Breaking the Euro Code: Survival or Prosperity ?"
Subtitle : How can
monetary policy address economic revival? Renaissance (Rene Saens)
ISBN : 978-2-84930-050-3
Also available in French: « "L'Euromark"
et les Solutions
à la crise de l'Euro » de René Saens
Sous-titre :
L'outil monétaire au service du "choc de
compétitivité" ?
ISBN : 978-2-84930-011-4
Today, the euro area seems no more in real danger, compared to the
important risk of explosion it was facing during the subprime financial
crisis in 2008 or even in 2010-2012 when the Greek and Cypriot
disorders were at their peaks. But, what about the economies of the Eurozone? Is the situation secured?
Do we have to protect the monetary system against other threats and challenges due to
the overvalued Euro? What are the new economic challenges in terms of
growth and employment perspectives within the European Monetary Union?
With deep concern of pedagogy, the author follows a detailed study of
monetary tools and measures their impact on the economy. He doesn't
hesitate to move beyond taboo issues to provide innovative economic and
financial solutions and researches which could move the European Monetary Union out of
the economic gloom.
French summary - Aujourd'hui la zone euro ne semble plus
menacée d'explosion qu'elle le fut pendant de la
financière des subprimes en 2008 ou encore en 2010-2012
lorsque la crise grecque, puis chypriote
à leur comble. Mais que dire des économies de l'Eurozone ? Est-ce que la situation est
sécurisée pour autant ? N'avons-nous pas
à nous protéger contre d'autres menaces, compte
tenu de
la surévaluation de l'Euro ? Quelles
maintenant les perspectives économiques en termes
de croissance et
dans l'Union monétaire européenne ?
Avec un sens aigu de la pédagogie, l'auteur se livre
à une étude en profondeur, bien que
très accessible, des phénomènes
monétaires pour en mesurer les impacts sur
l'économie. Cette approche permet de dépasser le
des questions tabous pour ouvrir sur des solutions nouvelles
et innovantes destinées à faire sortir l'Europe
et l'Euro de la
morosité économique dans laquelle semble
s'installer un certain nombre de pays.
the book (Introduction) :
With the outbreak of the financial crisis of 2008, France and the
European countries have entered a zone of severe turbulence.
Today, our economies seem even more threatened, since the necessary
corrective steps have not been taken on time by politicians, most often
due to a lack of economic competence. Newspapers and media do not
maintain the desirable level of analysis either. They continue to
prefer polemics, leaving aside pedagogical development. Finally, the
lack of imagination and blockages from the trade union (employers and
employees) bring down an economic thinking, inherited from a bygone era.
The crisis has pursued its chaotic journey from 2008 until 2013. Is it
over? No. It is still ahead of us! Actually, the word crisis doesn't
seem to be the most appropriate term. What should it be? It is more
like a set of Russian dolls hidden in each successive picture. We have
to analyze and adapt. The
fact is that it is not so much the Euro which suffers than the
countries of the Eurozone. Let us finally broaden our minds to this
Within this context, what should one think about the
“competitiveness ‘shock” which stirs
governments? Will elected politicians continue to promote bureaucratic
systems and gasworks, or pure nonsense for naïve or gullible
people waiting for recovery from an economic Messiah or a
providential bank governor? For Europe, isn’t it urgent to
involved in an economic and monetary policy to stimulate the economy?
Let us progress methodically. Before answering or suggesting an
alternative (Part 2), let us take the time to understand the mechanisms
which are at work (Part 1).
From the same author, in French : « Comprendre l'économie, l'euro, l'argente »
ISBN : 978-2-84930-011-4 Collection : Economie et société
© EDRS Tecinfor, 2014